X-Files Components by Krzysztof Szyszka 
The best Delphi DBGrid component 
and QuickReport VCL Grid control Components
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In this place you'll locate additional information, that lets you take advantage more efficient many new possibilities contained in X-Files Components. Here will be published various tips & tricks and some interesting source code. If you made any interesting function by using components from this package and you would to publish it, send out appropriate part of source code and description to my e-mail.


1. Using TXDBGrid component whether the local represents a Middle Eastern locale.

TXDBGrid component implements bdRightToLeft BiDiMode on the platform whether the local represents a Middle Eastern locale (SysLocale.MiddleEast = True), but some bugs have been detected in antecesor class (TCustomGrid).

To ensure correct working for TXDBGrid component when SysLocale.MiddleEast is True and BiDiMode is bdRightToLeft, you need fix the bugs in Grids.pas unit and add source of the Grids unit to your project. These are the statements from Grids.pas unit, you need to improve:

The statements located below have been corrected yet by Embarcadero in RAD Studio XE3.

{ Need for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 8, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE & XE2 }

function TCustomGrid.CalcCoordFromPoint(X, Y: Integer;
  const DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo): TGridCoord;
  if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
    Result.X := DoCalc(DrawInfo.Horz, X)
    Result.X := DoCalc(DrawInfo.Horz, ClientWidth - X);  // Added by K.S.
//  Result.X := DoCalcRightToLeft(DrawInfo.Horz, X); // Commented by K.S.
  Result.Y := DoCalc(DrawInfo.Vert, Y);

The statements located below have been corrected yet by Borland in Delphi 6.

{ Need for Delphi 5 only }

procedure TCustomGrid.CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState;
  var Index: Longint; var SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer;
  var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo);

  procedure CalcAxisState(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Pos: Integer;
    NewState: TGridState);
    I, Line, Back, Range: Integer;
    if NewState = gsColSizing then // Added by K.S.
    if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
      Pos := ClientWidth - Pos;

{ Need for Delphi 5 only }

procedure TCustomGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
  X, Y: Integer);
    if FGridState <> gsNormal then
      if FGridState = gsColSizing then // Added by K.S.
      if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
        FSizingPos := ClientWidth - FSizingPos;

{ Need for Delphi 5 only }

procedure TCustomGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
  X, Y: Integer);
      gsRowSizing, gsColSizing:
          if FGridState = gsColSizing then // Added by K.S.
          if UseRightToLeftAlignment then
            FSizingPos := ClientWidth - FSizingPos;

If you'll implement these changes mouse click on fixed columns and row resizing by the user should work correct for TXDBGrid component and for each TCustomGrid's descendant when SysLocale.MiddleEast is True and BiDiMode is bdRightToLeft.

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2. Using TXDBGrid component when invisible column starts from XDBGrid.ClientWidth.

When the property Visible will be False for the column that starts from XDBGrid.ClientWidth the Invalidate method work incorrect. When you'll click on several cells, you may see old and new selection for this cells. These are the statements from Grids.pas unit, you need to improve:

{ Need for Delphi 5, 6, 7, 8, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, ... }

procedure TCustomGrid.GridRectToScreenRect(GridRect: TGridRect;
  var ScreenRect: TRect; IncludeLine: Boolean);

  function LinePos(const AxisInfo: TGridAxisDrawInfo; Line: Integer): Integer;
      for I := Start to Line - 1 do
        Inc(Result, GetExtent(I) + EffectiveLineWidth);
        if Result > GridExtent + EffectiveLineWidth then // Added by K.S.
//      if Result > GridExtent then // See CalcAxis  // Commented by K.S.
          Result := 0;

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Copyright © 1999-2024 X-Files Software
X-Files Components by Krzysztof Szyszka 
The best Delphi DBGrid component 
and QuickReport VCL Grid control